Why does there always seem to be so much fuss made about responsibility? If we're more "responsible" we can do this and we can that.
If you're a bit like me however, being "responsible" somehow seemed to be a bad word. We've all heard it said one way or another that we should take responsibility for our lives if we're to enjoy the kind of lifestyle we ultimately want. We reap what we sow; we become what we think about; our attitude is reflection of inner thinking and so on.
But when the word "responsibility" is mentioned, it always seems to be used in such a way that it is connected with somebody doing something wrong: "Who's responsible for this?" Similarly, "Can't you take more responsbility for yourself?" results in feelings of being "less than" you really are.
Personal responsibility however, is something much more important, so important in fact that I'd like to quote one of the most respected behavioural researchers of our time, Shad Helmstetter:
"Personal responsibility is at the root of evertything we think, do, conceive, fail at, or achieve in our lives. Personal responsibility is the bedrock of all individual action. Responsibility does not mean "duty" or "burden." It is not the measure of our liability or our accountability: it is the basis of our individual determination to accept life and to fulfill ourselves within it...
... No one will ever breathe one breath for us. No one will ever think one thought that is ours. No one will ever stand in our bodies, experience what happens to us, feel our fears, dream our dreams, or cry our tears. We are born, live, and leave this life entirely on our own. That "self" and the divine spirit which drives it, are what we have. No one else can ever live a single moment of our lives for us. That we must do for ourselves. That is responsibility."
This extract was taken from Shad Helmstetter's great book What to Say When You Talk to Your Self [ Yourself ]