Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Mirror of Self Reflection

Age creeps up on us all slowly, stripping away our youth, then one day we look into the mirror and the body does not seem to match the sparkle in the eyes anymore. Then we begin to look over our shoulder at our past and think I wonder what would have happened, or what if I had taken this path?
The concept of there only being one life and a limited amount of time to live it, is to most people like someone saying there is no Santa Claus. We simply want to believe in forever just like we wanted to believe in happily ever after as children.

You may think I am advocating quitting your job and going trekking in Africa, but no that is not where this is going. Living is an art in itself, it is not about time management or fit as much in as I can. It is about passion, depth, vision, love and much more.

I wish I could remember the taste of a meal long after I have eaten it. I wish I could see my partner's face long after they have left. I wish I could feel my friends hug as she embraced me long after she had let go. I wish I could picture the one time my Mother said I love you long after she is gone. I wish I was so in tune with life, so aware, so enlightened that every moment was my greatest and I could feel it, taste it, and truly live it.

I do not want to wait until someone tells me there are no more moments left. I do not want to feel cheated because a Higher Power took my moments away. I want to be grateful a Higher Power gave me the moment to begin with.

As youth slips away, and it will slowly, I want to be able to look in the mirror and see the happiness of a life lived with depth and passion etched in my face. I want to be able to feel the touch of my lovers hand as it brushed away my tears, not just remember it. But unless I am truly aware truly in the moment at the time allowing myself to feel, letting go of expectations, letting go of the need to hold something back, unless that happens, all I will have is a vague memory. I want more, I want an imprint so strong I can carry it with me and feel it when the moments are at an end.

My wish for you is that you may look in the mirror of self reflection long before youth has disappeared. I hope you will realize life doesn't need to be filled up with things, rather it needs to be soaked up for all it has to offer right now at this very moment. My wish for you is that you may experience, even for a second, a state of total being when everything falls away and time stands still, and you can taste the air you breath, feel the earth pulsate beneath your feet, and hear the whisper of the Angels.

Author BioRobin J, Australian Psychic/Artist/Writer living in Canada. I do reading by donation at my site

Why You Must Think Positively To Get Positive Results

According to leading behavioural researchers from Shad Helmstetter's great book 'What To Say When You Talk To Yourself', as much as 75 percent of everything we think is negative, counterproductive and works against us. Wow. Read that again.

Once you've got over the shock, let me ask you how many self-development books and programs you've bought with the intention of developing a new skill or an empowering habit, only to find they failed to deliver?

So, why so much negative programming? In order to fully understand the answer, we have to understand how our brains work:

- Programming creates beliefs

- Beliefs create attitudes

- Attitudes create feelings

- Feelings determine actions

- Actions create results

The average youngster from an average family, according to Mr Helmstetter, has been told 'No' or what they can't do about 150,000 times by the time they reach 18. I'm sure you can think of a few examples yourself. It's no wonder then that with this kind of negative programming, positive changes seldom happen as quickly or as effectively as we would like.

Identify Your Present Programming

To turn matters around, the first thing we need to do to improve our results is identify our current programming. But what exactly is our programming and how do we change it to make the improvements we seek? Good question. Firstly, identify what you're saying to yourself quietly (even openly) and take note over a few days. This exercise is very revealing and may even surprise you - it did me, and it's very useful!

Listen for how many times you tell yourself you don't have enough time, energy, can't be bothered, hate your job, don't have enough money, skills, the quiet nudges of self-doubt, etc (just become aware of the stories you tell yourself) then ask yourself how badly you really want those goals you've promised yourself which probably contradict what you actually believe you can achieve.  

Once you've identified the negative response(s), every time the negative thought comes up, change the words to an empowering version of your old negative self-talk, like: "I'm really hate my job at the moment" can easily be changed to "I enjoy my work, I understand the problems and get past them (of course if you really hate your job perhaps you should look to make a change).

To be or not to be...

What's really important here, is that for any self-improvement concept to be successful, it has to be simple, easy to use, and it has to work. For evidence of this process in your own life, just look at your present circumstances. If they're not the way you want them, I would suggest it's because of what you've been programmed to believe about yourself up until this point.

"When Shakespeare wrote the words "To be or not be..." he may not have known that he touched the essence of self. To be or not be, that is the question. To become or not to become; to achieve or not to achieve; to do or not to do - the answer to that question is the answer that will determine the future - and the success - of each and every one of us." - Shad Helmstetter.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

A Child's View (and spelling!) of Notable Historic Biblical Events - Funny!

This is an extract taken from a newsletter courtesy of St Stephen's Church, Bournemouth, England entitled "Out of the mouths of…"

Pay special attention to the wording and spelling. If you are even remotely familiar with Holy Scripture you’ll find this hilarious. It comes from an elementary school test in which kids were asked questions about the Old and New Testaments. These were some of their answers. They have not been retouched or corrected. Incorrect spelling has been left in.

  • In the first book of the Bible, Guinessis, God got tired of creating the world so he took the Sabbath off
  • Adam and Eve were created form an apple tree. Noah’s wife was Joan of Ark. Noah built and ark and the animals came in pears
  • Lot’s wife was a pillar of salt during the day but a ball of fire during the night
  • The Jews were a proud people and throughout history they had trouble with unsympathetic genitals
  • Sampson was a strong man who let himself be led astray by a Jezebel like Delilah
  • Samson slayed the Philistines with the axe of the apostles
  • Moses led the Jews to the Red Sea where they made unleavened bread which is bread without any ingredients
  • The Egyptians were all drowned in the dessert. Afterwards, Moses went up to Mount Cyanide to get the ten Commandments
  • The first Commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple
  • The seventh Commandment is that thou shalt not admit adultery
Fantastic stuff indeed!

Monday, 1 October 2012

A Formula That Will Revolutionise Classroom Learning... set up by Salman Khan (not to be confused with the Bollywood actor) is probably the world's most revolutionary educational system - all on video! In fact, he currently has around 3000 free educational videos and is considered by Time Magazine the fourth most influencial person in the world.

His aim is to create "the world's first free, world-class virtual school where anyone can learn anything."

Here's what Bill Gates says about Sal Khan...

Khan believes the rigidity of the school's education system is outdated and stiffles a child's natural curiosity. "Aged one to four, kids are excited by anything new, they want to figure it out, then all of a sudden when they turn five you start seeing fewer curious kids, by nine or 10 you see very few with any curiosity, and by 18 it's very much the exception. Curioisty is just stamped out of them...
... kids are herded together, the bell rings, you're reqwarded for passivity, you're rewared with compliance, that's what keeps you moving through the system. Because kids are not enabled to reach their full potential, society remains at a status quo. Private school education makes little difference, and most do not show a discernable difference in results. Khan says "If you're able to learn the material that your child's learning, then they have an awesome tutor at home." He's right.

"I think the potential for society is not just five or 10 per cent better, but an order of magnitude better. GDP would grow, people would be happy."

What do you think?